JSW MG Motor India has unveiled the MG Cyberster through its new luxury brand channel, MG Select. The fully electric vehicle features automatic scissor doors, which the company says are the first of their kind in India.
The Cyberster’s design pays homage to the MG B Roadster from the 1960s while incorporating modern EV technology. The distinctive doors operate via touch controls on the interior console, key fob, and door panels, completing their opening or closing cycle in five seconds.
The door system includes dual radar sensors for obstacle detection and an automatic reverse feature if obstructions are detected during closure. The company says this ensures safety during operation.
While specific performance figures haven’t been released, the Cyberster is designed as a high-performance electric roadster. The vehicle maintains traditional sports car proportions while accommodating its electric powertrain components.
The launch coincides with the establishment of MG Select, the company’s new luxury retail channel. JSW MG Motor India has opened dedicated showrooms in 12 Indian cities for the brand, focusing on environmental sustainability alongside luxury vehicle offerings.
The company will announce pricing and detailed specifications closer to the market launch. The vehicle will be sold exclusively through the MG Select network of showrooms across India.